这题要开unsigned int!!!!
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; unsigned int n,q; struct Node{ unsigned int v,sum,add,rev,mul,siz; Node *ch[2],*fa; Node(unsigned int val,Node *fat); void Pushdown(); void Pushup(); }*root[100005],*Null; Node::Node(unsigned int val,Node *fat){ v=sum=val; mul=siz=1; add=rev=0; ch[0]=ch[1]=Null; fa=fat; } void Node::Pushdown(){ if(rev){ rev=0; if(ch[0]!=Null)ch[0]->rev^=1; if(ch[1]!=Null)ch[1]->rev^=1; swap(ch[0]->ch[0],ch[0]->ch[1]); swap(ch[1]->ch[0],ch[1]->ch[1]); } if(mul!=1){ if(ch[0]!=Null){ ch[0]->mul=(ch[0]->mul*mul)%51061; ch[0]->add=(ch[0]->add*mul)%51061; ch[0]->sum=(ch[0]->sum*mul)%51061; ch[0]->v=(ch[0]->v*mul)%51061; } if(ch[1]!=Null){ ch[1]->mul=(ch[1]->mul*mul)%51061; ch[1]->add=(ch[1]->add*mul)%51061; ch[1]->sum=(ch[1]->sum*mul)%51061; ch[1]->v=(ch[1]->v*mul)%51061; } mul=1; } if(add){ if(ch[0]!=Null){ ch[0]->add=(ch[0]->add+add)%51061; ch[0]->sum=(ch[0]->sum+ch[0]->siz%51061*add)%51061; ch[0]->v=(ch[0]->v+add)%51061; } if(ch[1]!=Null){ ch[1]->add=(ch[1]->add+add)%51061; ch[1]->sum=(ch[1]->sum+ch[1]->siz%51061*add)%51061; ch[1]->v=(ch[1]->v+add)%51061; } add=0; } } void Node::Pushup(){ siz=1; sum=v; if(ch[0]!=Null){siz+=ch[0]->siz;sum=(sum+ch[0]->sum)%51061;} if(ch[1]!=Null){siz+=ch[1]->siz;sum=(sum+ch[1]->sum)%51061;} } int Notroot(Node *p){ return (p->fa->ch[0]==p)||(p->fa->ch[1]==p); } void Prepare(Node *p){ if(Notroot(p))Prepare(p->fa); p->Pushdown(); } void Rotate(Node *x,int kind){ Node *y=x->fa,*z=y->fa; y->ch[!kind]=x->ch[kind]; if(x->ch[kind]!=Null)x->ch[kind]->fa=y; x->fa=z; if(Notroot(y))z->ch[z->ch[1]==y]=x; y->fa=x; x->ch[kind]=y; y->Pushup(); x->Pushup(); } void Splay(Node *x){ Prepare(x); while(Notroot(x)){ Node *y=x->fa,*z=y->fa; if(!Notroot(y))Rotate(x,y->ch[0]==x); else { if(y->ch[0]==x && z->ch[0]==y){Rotate(y,1);Rotate(x,1);} else if(y->ch[0]==x && z->ch[1]==y){Rotate(x,1);Rotate(x,0);} else if(y->ch[1]==x && z->ch[0]==y){Rotate(x,0);Rotate(x,1);} else {Rotate(y,0);Rotate(x,0);} } } } void Access(Node *x){ for(Node *y=Null;x!=Null;y=x,x=x->fa){Splay(x);x->ch[1]=y;x->Pushup();} } void Makeroot(Node *x){ Access(x); Splay(x); x->rev^=1; swap(x->ch[0],x->ch[1]); } void Link(Node *x,Node *y){ Makeroot(x); x->fa=y; } void Cut(Node *x,Node *y){ Makeroot(x); Access(y); Splay(y); if(y->ch[0]==x){x->fa=Null;y->ch[0]=Null;} } Node *Find(Node *x){ Access(x); Splay(x); while(x->ch[0]!=Null)x=x->ch[0]; return x; } Node *ToLct(int x){ return root[x]; } Node *GetNull(){ Node *p=new Node(0,Null); p->ch[0]=p->ch[1]=p->fa=p; p->siz=0; return p; } void Add(int x,int y,int z){ Node *p=ToLct(x),*q=ToLct(y); Makeroot(p); Access(q); Splay(q); q->add=(q->add+z)%51061; q->v=(q->v+z)%51061; q->Pushup(); } void Mul(int x,int y,int z){ Node *p=ToLct(x),*q=ToLct(y); Makeroot(p); Access(q); Splay(q); q->mul=(q->mul*z)%51061; q->v=(q->v*z)%51061; q->Pushup(); } unsigned int Div(int x,int y){ Node *p=ToLct(x),*q=ToLct(y); Makeroot(p); Access(q); Splay(q); return q->sum; } int main(){ freopen("2631.in","r",stdin); freopen("2631.out","w",stdout); scanf("%d %d",&n,&q); Null=GetNull(); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)root[i]=new Node(1,Null); for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ int u,v; scanf("%d %d",&u,&v); Link(ToLct(u),ToLct(v)); } for(int i=1;i<=q;i++){ char s[3]; scanf("%s",s); if(s[0]=='+'){ int u,v,c; scanf("%d %d %d",&u,&v,&c); Add(u,v,c); } if(s[0]=='-'){ int u1,v1,u2,v2; scanf("%d %d %d %d",&u1,&v1,&u2,&v2); Cut(ToLct(u1),ToLct(v1)); Link(ToLct(u2),ToLct(v2)); } if(s[0]=='*'){ int u,v,c; scanf("%d %d %d",&u,&v,&c); Mul(u,v,c); } if(s[0]=='/'){ int u,v; scanf("%d %d",&u,&v); printf("%d\n",Div(u,v)); } } return 0; }
Aug 16, 2022 05:24:01 PM
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